Friday, April 8, 2011

Mantenna - Lady GaGa Wants to Strip Down On TV

Lady GaGa wants to get naked on TV, Dish Network buys Blockbuster, and Charlie Sheen takes his catchphrases to a new level…the Mantenna is sittin’ on chrome.

Photo: Chelsea Lauren/Getty Images

Lady GaGa Wants to Get Naked On TV

In yet another attempt to get even more attention, Lady Gaga apparently is thinking about appearing on future television shows wearing nothing but her birthday suit. "Maybe we should be more timeless. Maybe we should just wear a classic black suit all the time," GaGa said in a recent GaGaVision episode. "Or just nudity? That way it's always in style!” No comment, guys. [MSN]

Dish Network Buys Blockbuster

According to reports, after a bankruptcy auction for the assets of Blockbuster, Inc. went down on Monday, Dish Network has been named the winner today with a bid of $320 million. Dish Network said in a statement: “With its more than 1,700 store locations, a highly recognizable brand and multiple methods of delivery, Blockbuster will complement our existing video offerings while presenting cross-marketing and service extension opportunities for Dish Network. While Blockbuster’s business faces significant challenges, we look forward to working with its employees to reestablish Blockbuster’s brand as a leader in video entertainment.” Good luck with this one, Dish Network. [Google]

Charlie Sheen Takes “Winning” To an Entirely New Level

Photo: Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images

Presumably looking to cash in after being dumped from his hit TV show, Charlie Sheen is taking his Tiger Blood all the way to the trademark office. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the charismatic actor is filing trademark applications for 22 of his now-famous catchphrases, including “Duh, Winning,” “Vatican Assassin,” and “I’m Not Bi-Polar, I’m Bi-Winning.” So if you’ve ever used one of the quotes on your Facebook wall (and we know you have), you might want to curtail that. And not just because it’s not really funny anymore. [CNN]

Bald Eagle Found Decapitated in Louisiana Ditch

The Bald Eagle, right up there with hot dogs and apple pie, is one the most enduring symbols of America. So it is with great sadness that we share the news that one of these majestic creatures was recently found decapitated in a ditch in northeast Louisiana. Local wildlife officials are offering a $2,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest, but so far have no leads. Sadly, it's believed to be the fifth bald eagle killed this year, with others having met their end in Iowa, North Carolina, and Tennessee. [FOX News]